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Weight Loss

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


well sorta....

It's neem just about 5 weeks since I broke my leg and I think I am ready to start tracking again. I am more able to make my own food now and not in any pain so I think this is a good time!! :)

I am not sure if I am going to WI much since i have the aircast on but we will see. I may be able to pull it off! :)

Also I am not able to work out so much. I can do upper body stuff with the hand weights, as well as crunches so I will do that to get at least a little bit of activity in.

I feel good about this. I have felt so out of the loop for a while....so its a good time to get back to it. I am afraid that I gained weight and wont fit into my wedding dress anymore and I cant let that happen!!!


MeltingLisa said...

Hi there! Wow 5 weeks already, time flies! Good for you doing the exercises that you can.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see you back, and I'm happy to hear your on the mend =)